Bachelor of Science (Hons) (Middlesex University UK)
Advanced Clinical Massage Therapist Certification (Jing Institute UK)
Fascial Movement Taping Level 1 RockDoc Certification (Rocktape UK)
Fascial Movement Taping Level 2 RockDoc Certification (Rocktape UK)
Anatomy Trains Structural Vision Certification (Anatomy Trains AU)
Anatomy Trains Structural Integration Certification (Anatomy Trains AU)
Certified Roll Model® Method Practitioner (Tune Up Fitness US)
First Aid Certification (Jing Institute UK)
Courses & Training
NCFE Cache Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Nutrition and Health (NCFE, UK)
The Cranium: Palpation, Perception and Philosophy in Clinical Practice webinar (Born To Move, UK)
Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques: Dalton Technique Treasures eCourse (Erik Dalton, US)
Foundations of Strength (Trainer4You, FI)
Indoor Rowing Technique (Trainer4You, FI)
Recovery & Mobility (Trainer4You, FI)
MovNat Mobility (MovNat)
Course for Asthma, Respiratory Issues, High Blood Pressure, Fatigue, Insomnia, Chronic Hyperventilation, Snoring, and Sleep Apnea (Buteyko Clinic)
The Roll Model® Method Certification (Tune Up Fitness US)
Sciatica & Disc Issues (Advanced Trainings US)
First Aid Training for Massage Therapists (Jing Institute UK)
The Jedi Massage Therapist: Working with Intuition (Jing Institute UK)
Remote Physical Therapy Consultations (Rocktape UK)
Shoulder Girdle 1 & 2 (Health4Performance FI)
Lower Extremity 1 & 2 (Health4Performance FI)
Torso 1 & 2 (Health4Performance FI)
Anatomy Trains Structural Integration (Anatomy Trains AU)
Introduction To Balancing The Diaphragms (Anatomy Trains AU)
The Roll Model® Method - The Science of Rolling (TriYoga UK)
The Roll Model® Method - Ball Sequencing and Innovation (TriYoga UK)
Anatomy Trains Structural Essentials: Tensegrity Spine (Anatomy Trains AU)
Anatomy Trains Structural Essentials: Shoulders & Arms (Anatomy Trains AU)
Anatomy Trains Structural Essentials: Abdomen, Chest & Breath (Anatomy Trains AU)
Anatomy Trains Structural Essentials: Head, Neck & Jaw (Anatomy Trains AU)
Anatomy Trains Structural Essentials: Arches & Legs (Anatomy Trains AU)
Anatomy Trains Structural Vision (Anatomy Trains AU)
Anatomy Trains Structural Essentials: Abdomen, Chest & Breath (Anatomy Trains AU)
Anatomy Trains Structural Essentials: Tensegrity Spine (Anatomy Trains AU)
Anatomy Trains Structural Essentials: Arches & Legs (Anatomy Trains AU)
Anatomy Trains Structural Essentials: Fans of the Hip (Anatomy Trains AU)
Freestyle Connection Classic Seminar With Carl Paoli (Crossfit New Zealand)
Movement Workshop with Katy Bowman (Nutritious Movement / Bodyneed NZ)
Spectrum Rolfing (European Rolfing Association DE)
Bodywork Beginnings (Jing Institute UK)
Foundation in Advanced Clinical Massage (Jing Institute UK)
Myofascial Release: Indirect Approaches (Jing Institute UK)
Orthopaedic Assessment for Massage Therapists (Jing Institute UK)
Structural Fascial Bodywork (Jing Institute UK)
Advanced Fascial Masterclass: Head, Neck & Thorax (Jing Institute UK)
Living Anatomy (Jing Institute UK)
ACMT (Advanced Clinical Massage Therapist) Intensive (Jing Institute UK)
Anatomy Trains 1 (in Structure & Function) (Anatomy Trains UK)
Anatomy Trains 2 (in Structure & Function) (Anatomy Trains UK)
Seminars & Conferences
Health Unplugged 2015 (London, UK)
Ancestral Health Symposium 2017 (Queenstown, NZ)
Logan Lore Men's Expedition 2018 (Wanaka, NZ)
FMS - Fascia in Movement and Sport 2020 (Online)
Professional Organisations & Memberships
IASI - International Association of Structural Integrators
APNT - Association of Physical & Natural Therapies
BCMA - British Complementary Medicine Association