Structural Integration is a type of bodywork that aims to improve the alignment and function of the body by manipulating its soft tissue, fascia, and muscles. Some of the potential benefits of structural integration include:

  1. Improved posture: Structural Integration can help realign the body and improve posture by releasing tension in the fascia and muscles that may be causing misalignment.

  2. Reduced pain: By releasing tension and improving alignment, Structural Integration may help alleviate chronic pain and discomfort.

  3. Increased range of motion: Structural Integration can help improve flexibility and increase range of motion by releasing tight muscles and fascia.

  4. Improved athletic performance: By improving alignment and reducing muscle tension, Structural Integration may help athletes perform better and reduce the risk of injury.

  5. Increased body awareness: Structural Integration can help individuals become more aware of their body and how it moves, which can help them make better choices to support their overall health and wellness.

It is important to note that the benefits of Structural Integration may vary depending on the individual and their specific needs.

What is Structural Integration?

What happens in a Structural Integration session?

  • You’ll fill out a client intake form and we’ll review that

  • We’ll have a chat about why are you seeking this treatment and what are you expectations

  • You’ll change to your chosen clothing for the treatment

  • We’ll take profile photos and do a body reading, where we assess your posture and balance

  • We might have you do some simple movement or functional testing

  • The treatment will happen sometimes you lying on the table, sometimes seated or standing

  • The techniques involve slowly moving the tissue around with fingers, hands or forearm using little or no wax

  • You’ll be asked to slowly move the body part being treated to increase the effectiveness of the treatment

  • You’ll be asked regularly to get up and stand or move to assess the progress of the treatment

  • The treatment finishes usually with neck, back and pelvic work to calm the nervous system and to integrate the changes into your body

  • We’ll retake profile photos for assessing the posture before and after

Wear what you feel comfortable in. With Myofascial Release Therapy and Structural Integration, you may be asked to stand up, move in addition to  lying or sitting on the massage table. Most clients wear fitted shorts, sports bra, bikinis. Avoid wearing loose fitting underwear as working through it is not easy, body reading is not as accurate and it doesn’t cover intimate areas as well as fitted clothing.

For Massage, minimal clothing, which is fitted and stretchy, is the best. Bra / top should be easy to open from the back while lying on the table facing down. This is for easier access to full back for a better treatment.

What should I wear?

Here’s how to get most of your treatment

  • It’s not advisable to have a big meal before the treatment, as sometimes we do abdominal work

  • It’s not advisable to have a hard training session on the day before the treatment, because the muscles will be inflamed and stiff, thus not allowing easily to work the tissue and will probably be uncomfortable for you too.

  • It’s not advisable to book a Structural Integration session prior a big sporting event or undertaking, as the treatment will affect the body in a way that it needs time to adjust. Athletes should receive majority of the structural integration on off-season. Only carefully planned session with the client should be taken for a competing athlete.

  • It’s good to come hydrated and rehydrate well afterwards, as the treatment will activate the lymphatic system and increase metabolism.

  • Do not apply body lotion or sun tan lotion prior the treatment. This will render the myofascial technique impossible to practice and unable to treat the client.

  • Please arrive clean and fresh for obvious reasons.

  • Allow time after the treatment before driving off or riding a bike off. Sometimes structural integration will affect the central nervous system and make you drowsy or lightheaded.

How do I prepare for the treatment?

You’re welcome to bring a friend or a chaperone to stay in the treatment room. In order for you to make most of the treatment, the following rules must be followed:

  • Your friend / chaperone does not participate in the treatment in anyway. They are welcome to sit in the room and observe. This unfortunately also means no children are allowed to accompany you.

  • No electronic devices are to be used during the treatment to minimise distractions.

Can I bring a friend?

Do any of the treatments hurt?

We don't believe in the phrase "No pain, no gain". In order to impose change in the tissue, it needs to be receptive and pliable. When pain is experienced, the tissues tense up and resist change, making the treatment more difficult. If tissue is damaged, held or inflamed (although we don’t knowingly treat severely inflamed tissue), you may feel discomfort when treated, but we'll work to minimise discomfort.

R&R Massage shouldn't hurt at all. It's meant to help recovery and relaxation. 
Myofascial Release and Structural Integration can create discomfort if the fascia is held, inflamed or scarred.

We always communicate and work within the client's tolerance of discomfort.

How long are the treatments?

I believe that a treatment should be pleasant and unrushed experience. This is why I've allocated each client enough time to arrive and get comfortable, have a chat about how I can help and enough time for the actual treatment. The actual treatment times are anything from 40 minutes up to 90 minutes, depending on the treatment type and progress made. 

Can I have all 3 Series sessions on the same day?

No. Structural Integration can be highly stimulating to the central nervous system producing new sensory information which the CNS (central nervous system) needs to process and remap. There’s a limit how much of this new information a person can process and too much can overwhelm the brain. Often after the first session, you might feel very relaxed, tired or wired, the response is very individual. However, most people can only handle a single session a day. Sometimes we may have to end the session early if you start to feel overwhelmed and continue in the next session. Sometimes the results can take a couple days for the body to fully internalise and the body may even realign itself from the old posture to a more comfortable posture. It’s good to leave a few days between the sessions to have the body learn the new posture. It’s also advisable to take it easy on any intense sporting activity after each session, as the centre of the gravity in the body might change during the sessions due to improved posture. It’s not advisable to have this work done close a bit sporting event or any other physical undertaking.

I have a problem with...? How many treatments are needed?

Bodywork isn’t an exact science, so there is no simple answer to that. Sometimes it takes only a single treatment to help with the issue, sometimes it takes several sessions. Usually already after the first session, you should find some improvement, but you should allow a few sessions for the best results. Sometimes  after the first session, there seems to be a great improvement, and then after two or more, there seems to be very little progress, but in the end it all adds up. With Structural Integration sometimes you feel the difference a couple of days after the treatment. If we think we're not able to help you, then we can work together to find the best course of action including providing information, recommendations and referrals to other practitioners.

For specific issues, we can do a single Structural Integration / Fascial Therapy session, but often a 3 series is the best option as it will work through the whole body to realign and balance for improved posture and movement. We can then add another top up session, if we feel that we can improve the results even more.

If you have a problem and not sure what can be done about it, please contact for a free no obligation 20 minute consultation.

Please note that the free consultation is for new clients only.  Booking is required for the consultation. A separate booking may be required for the treatment. Consultation does not include any treatment, but it may speed up the next appointment.

Massage is obviously a bit different, as it's used for relaxation and recovery. Regular Massages are a great way to keep in tune with you body, and keep it running at maximal efficiency. 

What is fascia and why does it matter?

Fascia is connective tissue that is all around the body. Tissue covering individual muscle fibres, muscle fibre bundles, muscles, muscle groups, tendons and bones is fascia. Fascia is not just covering these areas, but it's also a 3D mesh going through the different parts of the body. There is superficial fascia which is below the skin and acts like a full body suit protecting the internal organs from infections as well as acting a force distribution network with the bones for the body. Without fascia the body would simply collapse. 

Fascia can damage due to trauma. It can lose its elasticity, densify or get stuck due to dehydration or lack of movement. It can also become tense and/or dense (due to inflammation, overtraining), causing pain sometimes in a completely different part of the body. 

Structural Integration works to release the fascia so that it can move freely. Stuck layers of fascia, restricted or scarred tissue can be eased and softened to allow freer movement. Structural Integration is a very effective method to correct postural issues such as text neck, office shoulders and improve movement  in ankles, hips or shoulders. 

There is a 60 minute massage for £20 down the road. Why shouldn't I go to them?

If you feel that's good value for money and you get the results you're after, please use them. I believe that you have to try different therapists to find the one that fits your requirements any given time and situation until you get the results you're after. If you need to visit the same therapist frequently with little or no resolution to your issue, ask yourself if only your symptom is being treated, rather than the cause. You usually get what you pay for.

The only exception is a good Massage. Once you receive a good, deep, relaxing and pain-free Massage, you don't want to go anywhere else.

We welcome anyone over the age of 18, but reserve a right to refuse to offer services to anyone.

Appointment for anyone under 18 must agreed beforehand and they must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

If you have a medical condition and you are unsure of suitability of a treatment, please contact us for a consultation.

Who do you take as clients?

We accept prepayment during booking, cash, debit and domestic credit cards.

What payment methods do you accept?